Friday, February 3, 2012

Ceramics (Semester III) Fall 2011

1) Finish the 65 pieces required.
(35 isn't bad considering my skill level. That goal was made for the most advanced in the class, who were still hard pressed. I tried everything we were supposed to: mugs with handles, soup bowls, dinner and dessert plates, goblets, and serving bowls.)

2) Finish my set designed with a theme and two unique pieces. (check)

3) Experiment with marbles, texture, copper wire (the green & black on the speckled ivory bowl), and handle shapes.

Pieces Finished: 35

[Yes, I realize those plates look like they have poop smeared on them, and I'm sorry you have to witness it. I made a mistake in color choice. Since, I've smashed one of those plates & the other is a plant pot holder, hiding the poop color. :-)]

Medium: White Clay (premixed), multiple glazes, marbles, copper wire

Ceramics (Semester II) Spring 2011

1) Throw bowls only.
2) Trimming funky shapes.
3) Light pieces, a.k.a. aggressive trimming.
4) Neat feet.
5) Taller bowls.

Pieces finished: 24

Medium: Clay (red & white)

Ceramics (Semester I) Fall 2010

1) Throw pieces worth keeping from the wheel.
2) Try anything.
3) Learn from others.

Pieces finished: 18?

Medium: White Clay

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby's Gotta Have Cool Shoes Too

These kimono style baby booties were hand-sewn for my friend Sara-beara. She's due to have a baby girl this month - any day now!

Medium: Cotton fabric, upholstery on the bottom for padding baby's feetsies.

{Excuse the blur.}

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sometimes Dolls Get Lucky 10-15-10

I was trying to learn how to knit (again). My aim was to make different squares to practice varieties of knitting and pearling.

I must have miscounted on some stitches, because this ended up being a trapezoid, not a square. So I decided to fashion it into a doll skirt for my friend's daughter.

Cute! No?

Medium: Cotton yarn