Thursday, January 26, 2012

Black Mesa Rock 08-31-02

Kayenta, Arizona

After a short hike to our vantage point of the valley from Black Mesa, Mary & I drew a bit. It was our aim to find a sanctuary with inspiration to draw. This was a big deal for me. I had never attempted to draw much before & had always been self-conscious about it. This is really faint, I realize, but hopefully you can see the subtleties. The light was also behind the rock which is challenging.

We had to leave our post before dark as to avoid cougars. Though, it was nightfall by the time we got to the car. On the Navajo Rez in 2002 there were no street lights on many of the roads. There were, however, pot holes that I could fit half of my car into. We got lost a bit trying to figure out how to get back to the main road, which seemed obvious when we were trying to find a place to start hiking up in the light of day.

Medium: Pencil

I hope you can see the image of those red rocks as a right foot jutting up to the sky. This was behind Kayenta Community School where we did our student teaching. One day Mary & I hiked up there & climbed the "big toe," at least 50' high. It involved some scaling & squeezing. But, the hardest part was climbing back down the smooth rock, which didn't have too many foot holds. On our walk we saw Indian Paintbrush plants. The ashes of an extinguished fire locals would have said were from Skinwalkers.

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